Roses: Living Legends Trailer
Roses: Living Legends Trailer
Past Conversations
Roses: Living Legends featuring Marsha Mockabee
Roses: Living Legends featuring Charles See
Roses: Living Legends featuring the Honorable Ellen Connally
Roses: Living Legends featuring Mansfield Frazier
Roses: Living Legends featuring Alexandria Boone
Roses: Living Legends featuring Dick Peery
Unspoken with Dr. Cassi Pittman-Claytor
Here is our live interview with Author of Black Privilege: Modern middle-class blacks with credentials and cash to spend.
Unspoken Impact Series: Episode 4
Episode 4 is the finale of our Impact Series. In this episode, our 10 entrepreneurs talk about the dismantling of the Black family and closing the wealth gap. They also give their opinions on breaking into industries that are not usually seen as inclusive to Black people. Finally, they give advice to allies and a final motivational message to their Brothers and Sisters.
Unspoken Impact Series: Episode 3
Episode 3 of our Impact Series had our entrepreneurs giving their opinions on how they think Black business can improve. They talk about why Black businesses are undervalued and potential areas of improvement. They also give their opinions on why another Tulsa or Rosewood has not emerged.
Unspoken Impact Series: Episode 2
In episode 2 of our Impact Series, our entrepreneurs give their opinions on systemic racism and institutions that want to be an ally to the black community. Touch Cleveland, a marketing and public relations firm decided to interview 10 of Cleveland's most prominent small business owners to capture their stories and experiences navigating institutional racism.
Unspoken Impact Series: Episode 1
This year (2020) has brought systemic racism to the forefront of all our lives. Touch Cleveland, a marketing and public relations firm decided to interview 10 of Cleveland's most prominent small business owners to capture their stories and experiences navigating institutional racism.
Unspoken: Black Entrepreneurship
In the second episode of Unspoken, we discuss black businesses. Why do black businesses continue to have bad reputations? Statistics indicate among the top reasons black businesses fail are because they lack professionalism and are hard to find.
Unspoken: Taxes and Accounting
In the first episode of Unspoken; we discuss Taxes and Accounting for entrepreneurs and small businesses.